Help us create an amazing carbon neutral plastic recycling community in Plymouth!
A global community
We are part of Precious Plastic, a global community, who in the true spirit of social enterprise, put their idea out there for us all to use. Basically, it involves recycling plastic by shredding it, heating it and remoulding it into new useful/artistic creations. The plans for building the machines are open source and they are simple and quite cheap to build. We plan to use this to recycle plastic which is otherwise difficult to recycle and reduce transport and other associated costs by recycling locally. We think of this as a fun project to bring the community together, engage with recycling and plastic waste issues and get creative. Even better, this process can create high quality plastic products which are saleable.

Pro-plastic, anti-waste
There is a need for us to address plastic in terms of carbon emissions and pollution. 99% of plastic is made from fossil fuel and at every step, between extraction and disposal, fossil fuel is used. However, plastic is useful. It is light, reduces transport emissions compared to glass and heavier packaging, it is easily recyclable using less energy than glass or aluminium and reduces food waste.
Pro-plastic, anti-waste
There is a need for us to address plastic in terms of carbon emissions and pollution. 99% of plastic is made from fossil fuel and at every step, between extraction and disposal, fossil fuel is used. However, plastic is useful. It is light, reduces transport emissions compared to glass and heavier packaging, it is easily recyclable using less energy than glass or aluminium and reduces food waste.

A circular economy
Many plastic items are used for only a few minutes but last for hundreds of years, they break down releasing microplastics and toxins into the environment. Plastics contain chemicals which can disrupt hormones and cause cancer and these, along with the microplastics are being consumed by animals. Microplastics have been found to pass into fruit and vegetables from the soil, they are found in our water, our bodies and even to cross the placenta into growing babies. Ocean litter also entangles and chokes marine animals, it is our duty to prevent plastic from polluting our environment. Plastic is a resource which we need to use wisely. We need to move towards a circular economy, reduce single use plastics, reuse and recycle as much as possible and dispose of plastic carefully.
Plastic is precious!

How to help us
There are many ways that you can join in with the Precious Plastic revolution!
- You can wash and save your plastic bottle tops and drop them off at the workshop, next time you visit Royal William Yard.
- You can buy our beautiful products in our online shop (coming soon).
- Commission us to make moulds for your own bespoke products.
- Join us for a fun workshop and create your own soap dish, plant pot or buttons.
What makes a soap dish?
You can find our popular recycled soap dishes on our online store, but did you know how much plastic we re-use in the process of making them?
of plastic
milk bottle caps

We are community funded!
On 21st January 2022 we successfully raised £5,850 with 81 supporters, for which were are immensely grateful to everyone who contributed. Click here to find out more about the campaign and to see all those who contributed towards the campaign.